Rafael Morla was born in 1943, in the Dominican Republic. He was married in 1971 to Carmen Luisa Castillo de Morla. They have 8 children, 26 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren. They all live in La Romana, DR, in a colorful house in the center of town. Rafael has his art studio there next to his home. His father was also an artisan.
Rafael tells me that he has always had a special “light,” or vision, and the natural ability to make art. He constantly thinks about what artwork he will create next, and he loves his work. At night he dreams and thinks about his creations, and he speaks to his wife daily about these thoughts and visions.
His ability to make art is innate, as Rafael has had no art lessons or schooling of any kind in the field of art. His works come from his heart and soul, and are a natural part of his character and personality. He is a bright and smiling man, and a happy family man. His family is around him all the time, and they lend a hand with some of the difficult parts of his job, as in hauling the wood and materials necessary to make his art.
Rafael has told me that he believes in God, and that God gave him this unique talent and gift of creating beautiful works of art out of wood and paints. For this natural and God-given gift, Rafael thanks God every day and is appreciative of the special “vision” and “light” that he enjoys. He is inspired by his Faith and by the world around him, and by nature. Most of Rafael’s artwork consists of images of things in nature: flowers, birds, plants, bugs, lizards, animals of all kinds, trees, fruits, and other beautiful and natural things. His artwork is always colorful and happy, joyous and brilliant.
Rafael is an original, unique artist. His colors are bright and cheerful. When he paints on canvas, the imagery is often of a glorious sunset over the water, with trees, birds and animals nearby.
Rafael lives in La Romana, which is a small and simple town near the fancy and elite, upscale resort, “Casa de Campo.” Many of his patrons and clients are Villa owners in the area, and he has also been recognized and appreciated for his special gift by banks, hotels, and corporations in his native land. His fellow countrymen, as well as many tourists and foreigners, have purchased his artwork for their homes and offices. He is shown in many galleries around the Dominican Republic as well. His work has been featured in many local publications and catalogs exhibiting the artwork of Dominican artists.
Galerie Bonheur has shown the work of this talented artist since 1987. His work has been exhibited in many shows in Connecticut, St. Louis, Vail, Chicago, Santa Fe, New York, and Florida. We recognize Rafael Morla as a special and original artist, with a unique and wonderful talent.
Galerie Bonheur is thrilled to present many new pieces by Rafael Morla that were acquired from the artist on a recent visit to his studio.
By Laurie Ahner.